THINGS COOL DOWN September was a really fun month of ministry and still very packed with lots of things to do! From yard signs to Fall Retreat and an exciting core, there was a lot to love about September. The Sayings of Jesus This year we started a sermon series called, "Listening Carefully to Jesus". In this series, we would be taking the teachings of Jesus and talking about them with our students. One of the promotions behind this series was our Jesus saying yard signs. We selected 66 sayings from the Gospel of Matthew from Jesus and I designed and created 33 yard signs to post around campus. Our goal was to get the words of Jesus in front of people, and boy did we! They got a lot of attention, so much so that a large majority of them went missing a week after they were put out. Thankfully they were recovered! Fall Retreat Every year we host a 22-hour retreat for our students to take time to be with God and the larger community. This year we had over 120 students come a...