Yard Sign Fiasco Well, this past month was a whirlwind of activity at UTD. March was filled with lots of fun, fellowship, and theft! You read correctly! We had yard sign thievery! Apart from the excitement of our yard signs, this month we had the pleasure of playing host to out-of-state friends and had a great time of out reaching to the students of UTD. The Yard Signs A couple weeks ago before UTDs spring break, our team came up with a new and exciting plan to advertise our sermon series that we started for the rest of the semester. The sermon series revolved around the question, "Does Jesus Care About _____". The sermons have been talking about poverty, depression, politics, dating, and so many other topics. Like any good advertising campaign, we took our main tagline question of "Does Jesus Care About ____" and posted yard signs all around campus. Boy oh boy did were we met with a surprising response from the students. Their response came in the form of steal...