Merry Ministry! December was a short but fulfilling month of ministry! Our students were busy finishing up their finals for the year and getting ready for the Winter break. While our students were busy, their campus pastors were busy as well. This last month marks the end of the 2022 year and a halfway point in the pastoral apprenticeship for myself and my fellow apprentices. This school year has been an exciting time to watch how God has worked in the lives of our students and I am even more excited to see how he continues to work through this next year. Christmas Party What would the holiday season be without a little Christmas Party? Or in our case a very large party! Seeing as how we have about 200 students in our ministry at UTD, our Christmas parties are quite the event to plan. This year I got to see behind the scenes with the planning of the Christmas party and boy were there a lot of things to do. Thankfully I work with an amazing team that loves our students so well. Th...