The Month of April This month was another really fun month of campus ministry! It is really wild that the school year is so quickly coming to a close and the last of our small group meetings are about to end. I have been so grateful for this year in multiple ways. I’ve gotten to study the Bible with some really smart and thoughtful guys, lead worship with an exciting and energetic community and learned so much about the Bible and theology! Resurrection Fair This month was a really special month as we celebrated Easter and Resurrection Sunday with the entirety of the UTD campus. For the past few years, we have hosted and celebrated what we call Rez Fair, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. This year's Rez Fair was another great experience of showing UTD the love of Christ and the excitement of celebrating him. We partnered with all of the different ministries at UTD and several churches from around the Richardson area, who shared what the resurrection of Jesus means to them. We...