CLOSING OF A CHAPTER This past May has been a very busy month with the end of the 2022-2023 school year and the end of my apprenticeship. This month we finished several of our apprentice classes, visited our sister ministry in Bellingham, Washington for a student ministry conference, and delivered our final sermons for the school year. I have been grateful to have spent the last 10 months serving students and building community as a campus missionary. God has blessed our campus and ministry in a lot of ways this year and it has been fun to share those with you all! End-of-Year Party Of course, with the end of the school year, it's time to celebrate! We are always excited to celebrate the hard work of our students both in their academics and in their faithfulness to the Lord and his community at UTD. This year we decided to surprise our students with a summer-themed party to send them off to their holiday excited for vacation. I got to take a few pictures with Jonathan, Mick, and ...