A NEW YEAR OF MINISTRY The new year has begun and I am very excited for another semester of ministry at UTD! Last year was full of fun memories and awesome conversations with students about life and faith. This year has already started with our annual Winter Retreat down in Glen Rose and UTDs Friday Night Fellowship meetings getting an exciting revamp! WINTER RETREAT This year we had the privilege of hosting Dr. Daniel Lee from Fuller Seminary at our Winter Retreat. The theme for all the talks revolved around God's radical grace. Dr. Lee gave some wonderful talks about God's love and grace for us that I think really spoke to many of our students and staff. I had wonderful conversations with students about the talks and heard so much awesome feedback. I think the topic of grace was a great one for our community to dive deep into this year and I can't wait to see the fruit of those conversations. Despite the cold weather and snowfall, our students had a wonderful time weekend...