Summer Wrap Up

The summer is coming to an end and the 23-24 school year is on the horizon. I'm really excited for this next year because it comes with a whole new set of roles and responsibilities as a first-year staff member with FOCUS. I've recently joined our Campus Admin Team as the team member for UTD and I'm ready to see what the year will bring in this new role. I'm happy that the new role will not decrease my time ministering to students. I'm very eager to lead another small group this year, either alone or with another student, as well as supervising a few of our small group leaders. 

Praying For The Year

I'd like to ask all of you to join me in prayer for this coming school year. Pray that the students at UTD would be open and willing to know and follow Jesus. Pray that students who are lonely and in need of friendship would find it this school year. Pray that our students would be led by the Spirit this year and that they would find peace in their difficult studies. I pray that our students would value the importance of academics and strive to succeed as UTD students but be reminded that there is something and someone far more important to pursue. 


I am so grateful to all of you who have pledged to support me this next year both with your generosity and your prayers. I am happy to say that I am near completion of my 23-24 fundraising goal and I can't thank you each enough for your support. Campus ministry means so much to me and I am happy that each of you has become aware of its importance and has decided to invest in the lives of our students. I know that God will continue to change the lives of students this next school year because of your support!

Student Testimony 


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