Staying Warm!

This month has been another wonderful month of ministry! It is always so neat to see our student body start to take shape after our Fall Camp season. We get a better picture of who we have in our community and students who are regular in their attendance to both our Friday Night Fellowship and small groups. We are currently hosting about 150 students at our weekly fellowship night and that has been super encouraging. 

Outreach Events

Something we have been focusing on this semester is continuing our efforts to reach students through our hosted events after our weeks of welcome are over. We meet a majority of our students during the first few weeks of school and our events are very helpful for meeting new students. We have been continuing that idea with our events after our weekly fellowship and this past month we hosted a video game event in the Student Union. We have multiple TVs set up for students to play several games and this photo is one of a game called Super Smash Brothers. The reason for taking this photo was the fact that on my first game while playing I placed FIRST PLACE! You might not find this as exciting but I assure you this is a GRAND accomplishment. UTD is known for its gamer community and it gave me a great sense of joy, seeing as how I am not a gamer myself, to do so well. Not only do I get to teach students about Jesus, but I also get to serve them lessons in gaming!

Worship Workshop

As some of you may know I love music and have been involved in musical activities from a very early age. I was in choir in middle school and high school and while in college I was a worship leader for the FOCUS community both at Collin College and UTD. Being able to serve on the worship team these past few years has been such an amazing experience and a wonderful way to serve our community. Recently I hosted a workshop for our guitarists to help them with tips and tricks for playing guitar in a worship band. I have only been playing for a little over three years but it was really cool to get to share with these guys how to lead guitar in our worship band.

Hey look it's Jonathan

If you haven't read my past blog updates, this is Jonathan! He and I lead a small group together this semester and things have been going so well! We recently started a book study on 2 Timothy and it has been really great to hear our guy's thoughts and questions about the letter from Paul. I am so thankful to be leading a small group with Jonathan this year. He has wisdom and knowledge beyond his years and has been such a blessing to our small group!

And of course, Rhett

What would a ministry blog update be without an awkwardly timed photo of Rhett? Rhett of course is my supervisor this year for the apprenticeship and he has been nothing but a great mentor and friend over these past few years. We get weekly time together to talk about ministry and ask questions and I could not be more thankful for our time together. 

Halloween Bash

This month my fellow apprentices and I planned and hosted a Halloween party for our students! We had such a fun time decorating, dancing, and judging a costume contest. You may see him on the right side of the photo, but one of our students, David, won our costume contest with his hilarious shark inflatable costume. We had such a fun time getting to talk to new students at the party and it was so fun to see everyone's very creative costumes. One of our students came as a Jedi knight and brought his custom-made, very expensive, super duper cool lightsaber. I got a neat video of myself swirling the lightsaber and nerding out about how much I love Star Wars. I did not want to give him his lightsaber back and unfortunately, my wife was not convinced by my case of why we need a lightsaber for our home, but there's always next year! 

Thank you!

I hope that you enjoy these ministry blog updates and I am so thankful to have you as a supporter! I could not do what I do in ministry without your support and it fills me with much joy to know how generous my supporters are. God has been doing so much on our campus already this year and it is thanks to your help that we get to bring Jesus to the UTD campus!
